Joining Dojo

Dojo is an open access event, meaning anybody can join us . We typically use our Facebook group page to coordinate and handle any last-minute event announcements, and there is a Slack channel for more mundane conversations.

Dojo Meetup

Just join us at the next Dojo meetup. Our schedule is published here.


We typically use Facebook for announcements and to collect RSVPs for our weekly sessions. This is important because any last minute changes or cancellations will be announced through the group. You can also share links and other resources on the Facebook group.



We use Slack for ongoing conversations and learning. Please go to Dojo Slack Invites or the widget below to get invited to the Slack group.

You can go to the Dojo channel after signing up.

Slack is where we have most of our conversations. Look through the channels to see which ones you are keen to join! There are channels for Data Science, Fintech, Programming and so on.

See the Slack Channels section to see the full list


Slack Channels

We have an informal system for our Slack using the following channels

Dojo-related channels

Organizer's channels

  • #dojo-caretakers: this is the channel where we discuss all dojo organizer-related stuff
  • #organizers: this is a private channel where we talk about finances etc

Learning channels
These are channels for individual learning areas. Please follow the convention of "#learn-xxx" when creating new channels.

#learn-csComputer Science
- Links, Q&A, general help.
#learn-datascienceData Science
- Links, Q&A, general help.
#learn-uxUser Experience
- Links, Q&A, general help.
#learn-webdevtFull-Stack Web Development
- Links, Q&A, general help.